Volunteers are the hands, feet, and heart that power Mississippi Wildlife Rehabilitation’s (MWR) mission. We simply couldn’t do what we do without their incredible contributions of time and talent. Each month, we celebrate one of our amazing volunteers with a spotlight post.
This month, we’re excited to introduce Holly McDaniel!
Holly began volunteering last year and has been a huge help at special events like Earth Day and Trunk or Treat. She’s also a dedicated member of our transport team, ensuring that injured wildlife safely make it to our hospital for care.

🗣 Why does Holly volunteer?
“I feel very strongly about Creation Care, and I believe we’ve been given the privilege of caring for our planet and the creatures that share this space with us.”
💡 Fun Fact:
Holly admits that she once couldn’t stand being near birds, bugs, or snakes—she’d run the other way! But after having kids, she put on a brave face so they wouldn’t inherit her fears. Over time, she grew to appreciate birds and now helps rescue them!
“Now look at me… helping to rescue them and watch out for their wellbeing. I don’t even mind being around Cornelius and Vinny! Still not a fan of bugs, but I don’t automatically reach for the bug spray anymore.”Thank you, Holly, for your unwavering commitment and for all that you do to support MWR’s mission. We’re so grateful to have you on the team! 💚
MWR is currently in need of dedicated volunteers to help in the following areas:
• Social media coordinator
• Wildlife Rehabilitation/ Animal care
• Baby Bird Care/Feeding (Spring and Summer)
• Education programs
• Rehab patient transport
• Fundraising
If you are interested in volunteering with MWR please complete this application
and submit to volunteer@mswildliferehab.org