Volunteers are the hands, feet and heart that power the MWR mission. We cannot exist
without their generous contributions of time and talent. So each month we will be
appreciating one of our volunteers with a spotlight post.
Meet Charlie Crews,

Charlie began volunteering with MWR on October 31, 2013. As a longtime wildlife
enthusiast, Charlie found MWR on the internet and it peeked his interest as an
organization he would enjoy working with. And we are so glad that he did.
As one of our longest serving volunteers, Charlie has helped to build and maintain
animal enclosures and was part of the team that renovated the current wildlife hospital
at Arkabutla Lake. He even encouraged Home Depot to support the renovation. He
continues to help MWR with education programs, rehab rescues and releases.
Fun Fact:
Charlie shared that one of his most memorable experiences with MWR was “when we
got a call about a chicken running in traffic on Goodman Road, we were having to stop
traffic to try and get it and people were laughing at seeing us chase a chicken all over
Goodman road.”
Thank you, Charlie for your many years of dedicated service to MWR.
MWR is currently in need of dedicated volunteers to help in the following areas:
- Social media coordinator
- Wildlife Rehabilitation/ Animal care
- Baby Bird Brigade (Spring and Summer)
- Education programs
- Rehab patient transport
If you are interested in volunteering with MWR please complete the application form and submit to volunteer@mswildliferehab.org