January brought ice, snow and frigid cold but that did not slow down MWR as we had another great month. We welcomed two new members, Alan Parks and Dane Chamberlin, to our Board of Directors. Learn more about Alan and Dane.
Recent changes to the Federal Animal Welfare Act now require facilities keeping birds to obtain a USDA license by February 21, 2024. Consequently, MWR had our first USDA compliance inspection this month. We are happy to share that our inspector was very impressed and complimentary of our operations resulting in an immediate approval of our new USDA license.
Patient Update
This month we admitted 17 new birds into care representing 11 different species. In 2023 we cared for 549
patients of more than 70 species.
Sponsor Thank You
A big Thank You to the following people who answered the call to sponsor our rehab patients through
Sponsorship Sunday this month.
- Dana Young Alvarez
- Lauren Harry
- Amber Lovell
- Chris Williams
- Lana Taylor
- Starlit Byrd Tomlinson
- Jeff Leathers
- Lisa O’Connor
Your gift is life-giving for these animals. Keep an eye out for upcoming Sponsorship Sunday
Program Update
On a chilly sunrise Wildlife Director, Stephanie Hogan, and volunteer, Penny Gallenbeck supported the
US Army Corps of Engineers at Arkabulta Lake with their annual Eagle Watch program. 12 determined attendees shrugged off the cold to catch a glimpse of our resident eagles and got to meet MWR animal
ambassadors Mochni the Red-shouldered hawk and Rufous the Eastern Screech owl. We are so thankful
for the partnership we have with the USACE.
At our Bioactive Terrarium Workshop, we learned about the delicate balance between living and non-
living elements in a natural system. Then everyone created their very own mini-ecosystem terrarium
complete with springtails and isopods.
MWR had a great 2 days at the Aces Exotic Pet Expo where our volunteers and animal ambassadors
connected with hundreds of people sharing our mission and inspiring them to support wildlife
conservation, education, and rehabilitation. A special thank you to volunteer Natalie Rodgers for
organizing this event for MWR.
Looking Ahead
MWR has announced our Wildlife Summer Camp and Nature Art Summer camp and are offering 2 full
scholarships to each camp in memory of our founder Valery Smith. We have also introduced a 3-part
Backyard Wildlife Habitat workshop series. And it is not too late to register for our Keeping Isopods
workshop on February 17. Not sure what an Isopod is? You will after you attend this workshop. Learn
more about these great programs at our MWR Events page.